
What I enjoy these days

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Andrew and I had a great time in the country this weekend. We finally got to enjoy the Valentine's Day gift that I gave to Andrew. He wanted to do a blog post about his experience this weekend, so I'll leave that up to him, but I'll give you a hint: it involves really good eatin'. 

I also wanted to share a link that you homemakers may be interested in. It's a 31 day cleaning challenge with Scripture studies along with it. The study is called 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House in the Mary Way. I just downloaded it for $4.99 and I'm way too excited about the next 31 days. You can find the link here

What has my life come to? I don't really know how I got to "this place", but I have to say, I'm enjoying this stage of life even though "this stage" also involves car insurance, budgeting, and saving for our phantom-children's college tuition. If cleaning and bible studies make me happy, so be it.

1 comment:

  1. whoa I need this. I just added Martha Stewart's cleaning calendar to my iCal, and it's intense. It made me want to curse. So...maybe a Biblical approach would help. ;)
