
Nephews are fun

Shhh, they're still sleeping. Please don't wake them.

Andrew and I had two little nephews stay with us last night. They are a handful, and they are very much boy. 

Last night, we had chocolate, pizza, soft drinks, chips, and beer. Sorry, not beer; I just got carried away. That will happen in about 15 years for these young lads. 

We played the Wii. 

They got a little rowdy like boys can get. Out of nowhere I said things like "You must use your inside voices" or "If you do not obey, there will be a consequence" and the classic, "1....2....you'll lose your privilege if I get to 3...." 

But overall, they were really good despite the belches, toots, screams, and rough housing. 

Andrew and I instructed them to get their jammies on, brush their teeth, and come back in the living room to watch the movie Andrew had promised them: Star Wars. 


So they did as instructed. 

As they brushed teeth, Andrew and I turned down their bed.

How cute: pillow pets on my guest room bed. (Pardon the 1960s lamp shade; it's ridiculous when you have the save up for a nice lamp shade. Do you know how much they're going for these days? Welcome to adulthood. Maybe if I wait long enough, they'll come back in style.) 

Back to Star Wars....

I was not thrilled about this, but I told them if we started at the fourth one, we'd watch it. Apparently, the fourth one is the first one, chronologically. Whatever. 

I quickly started to realize that if I were ever the mother of all boys, at least I'd be the Queen of the Castle, right?

Funny I should say that because about three minutes of "galaxy", "Obi wan kenobi", and "Luke Skywalker", I was done. I retired to my throne bed. 

I have to hand it to you moms: this job is tough, especially with boys. But they are so precious. When Andrew came to bed, he told me about all the funny things they had said. Boys are so wonderful. Bless you who have to raise them. 

They're up now. But they are so cute!

1 comment:

  1. you are gonna be a good queen of the castle momma!

    And they brushed their teeth even when away at a spemd the night party! Nicely done!
