
Wood shavings are precious to me

Do you get frustrated with a messy house sometimes?

I do. A lot.

We live in a relatively small space, and we have too much stuff. I think our lifestyle causes us to have more things than other families. By lifestyle, I mean Andrew's art supplies and my jewelry supplies and everything that goes along with that. I would love a place for everything and to put everything in it's place.

But that's not what we have right now, and I'm just trying to do the best I can.

Sometimes I get aggravated with Andrew's mess, and I complain to him. Just seeing his stuff makes me mad. Frustrated. Aggravated. All of those emotions toward him!

Then I saw something that warmed my little heart.

That's wood shavings. 

I just thought it was the cutest thing when I walked up stairs to the loft. There's so much mess up here, but I thought, I love my husband so much. I didn't think in the history of marriage has a wife seen a big ol mess and thought, I love my husband so much. Not sure what's going on there, but his new hobby is so precious to me. You should see how he works so hard at carving this bird. 

This feeling may wear off. It probably will especially if this mess isn't cleaned up soon. But I'm enjoying the feeling while it lasts, however long that may be. 

It might be like when we first got married, and I took so much pleasure in washing and folding his clothes. His socks, boxers, and undershirts were so precious. It's not quite that way anymore, but it can be a labor of love. 

To think about your husband when you clean is a wonderful thing. Whatever gets you through the day, right girls?


  1. Being that I am considerably older....(maybe in age but not in spirit!!!)., I always remind myself of the best words of advice when I get upset:

    "Is this going to be that important in 50 years from now?!!!

    These words can apply to any aggravating situation and they always bring me back down to earth!!! Have a great week, sweet one!
    Susie in Texas

  2. hobbies require so much extra stuff! stephen and i struggle with this constantly....oh where to put everything???!

  3. Oh I just published my blog tonight and mentioned my recent "thing" with letting things in my house go and it not being clean all the time...so funny as Im reading this post on your blog now!!

    Great post!
