
Auburn, LSU, and food

I'm still working hence why there's been such a lack of blogging on my part.

This week has been crazy in particular with church functions, tennis, drinks with friends, and a wedding this weekend.

But on most days, this is what I have the pleasure of seeing.

Post-it notes, high lighters, a stapler, hole puncher, and tape. Oh yea, and my Auburn lunch sack. My mom made the cutest lunch bag for Andrew that's blue with his initials on it. I'm waiting for her to make mine in purple. Until then, this is what I've got.

It doesn't bother me too much, though. I like Auburn, and I am in need of a lunch bag. So this one does just fine. 

It reminded me, though, of something I heard recently that's been bothering me. 

An Auburn fan recently said while telling a story "and that's when they were so mean to me." This is of course in reference to those horrible LSU fans. 

You know what I thought? I thought I've been through the same thing too, with LSU fans from time to time. And with Auburn fans. 

Gasp! I know you Auburn fans reading this will just not believe that your precious fan base had done such a thing. 

It's true. You know how I handled it? I took this Auburn fan aside. No kidding I did. I couldn't stand the mocking and the pointing and the name calling. It was solely directed to me as I was the only LSU fan standing there watching the 2010 Auburn/LSU game at last year's tailgate. So I took him aside and said, "I know you love your school. I love mine too. But Auburn has a love that pride's itself on community and family. My sweet husband is from Auburn and some of my closest friends have gone here. They are 'salt to the earth' kind of people. They 'believe in Auburn and love it' and you should too. I have to say that by your actions, you are a disgrace to your school and everything they stand for."

Boo ya.

He was shocked. I think I may have offered him a cold beverage in addition to my monologue. I don't remember. 

But my point is this: Auburn fans, you have 2 choices regarding your attendance in Baton Rouge for the LSU game this year. I know many of you are deliberating. 

You can a.) quit your crying and stay home or b.) quit your crying, stand up for yourself, and have one heck of a time in cajun country. 

I don't have to tell 'The Story of the Mean Auburn Fan' a lot because I know there's plenty of stories of the nice Auburn fan. And what's the point of sharing this with my Auburn friends and family? What are they going to say in response to this? I feel the same way about LSU fan stories. We've all heard them, but what good does it do anymore? I get it; we're rowdy, we taunt. It's mostly to get a rise out of you anyway, and we've clearly accomplished that. Let's focus on the good traits we have. Like our food. If nothing else, let's just focus on food. 

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