
Just a plain ol' weekend

You know those weekends that you don't do much of anything, but it's just oh, so good?

That's what we did this weekend. It was perfection. 

I woke up and made Saturday breakfast like I usually do when we're home on the weekends, which that is a rarity these days. 

I love making Saturday breakfast. Andrew still calls it a "PawPaw lake breakfast" like he had growing up at his lake house. 

Then I decided to cook ahead of time for Sunday after church, 'cause I hate cooking on Sunday's after church. 

There's spaghetti in that pie!

And while I ran errands, Andrew played a little golf with my dad. 

I met up with them at the country club for a quick, HOT bit. 

We ate dinner with my parents and a few little chillin's. 

I don't know which they love more, Andrew or his phone. 

Later we went out for a drink downtown and then called it an early night. Andrew made my heart so happy when he danced with me in our living room to Brad Paisley, Ray LaMontagne,  and Jason Aldean. We thought we were real cool and gansta singin' about "our smoke blowin out our windows and our cold beer sittin' in the console."

We went to bed early to  get up for Sunday school, and then I did something so out of character for me: I slept until 9:30! If you know me, you know this never happens. So we missed Sunday school but made it to church. This would have been a perfect weekend had I not completely lost my marbles due to the fact that Andrew was making me late for church. I am always ready on time. He is always late. Correction, I am always ready ahead of time. To me, being on time is late. 

It's a problem. I know. Call it what you want; character flaw? I guess we've both got the flaw, just the opposite problem. It's rude that he's always late. It's rude that I nearly strangle those who make me late. 

Other than that, it was the perfect weekend we needed. Staying home is good for our soul.


  1. Just so everyone knows, it was a good weekend, but let's be honest-- I'm not 'always' late. We got to church at 10:46 and church starts at 10:45. If I've got an appointment, barring the awful Baton Rouge traffic, I am there on time. Just thought I should make that clear :)

  2. Andrew just runs on "Covenant Time." He comes by it honestly. It must be an Auburn thing because everyone (including my family) was always and still is always late. It's a problem!

  3. Hahaha, thanks Christina for explaining!! That's hilarious,...(and true)
