
Low key perfection

This weekend was the wonderful relaxation we needed. 

Andrew painted. I aggravated watched. 

We were upstairs in the loft while the sun was setting, and I took some pictures because the light was so good and because my husband is so good. 

Andrew is painting a canvas for my mom to put in her beloved mountain home. 

In my holy holey jeans, I caught him. 

I wrapped myself in my favorite quilt that mom made for me. 

We listened to Ray. 

And Miranda. 

And feasted our eyes on the finished product. A masterpiece. Don't you think a gift is more beautiful when it's made by someone you love? I think so. Of course, I'm partial. 

Then, I made a huge mistake. I had the envie for some chocolate, so I went to the store to buy the ingredients to make this:

Sinful. Decadent. Huge mistake. 

So sinful and so decadent that I decided to bring it over to my cousin's house and let the rest of the family eat it. 

That's pretty much our weekend: low key and chocolate-filled. Aka: perfection. 


  1. the painting is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! i want one!!

  2. I'm just stunned by his paintings! that is amazing. such talent. and reading this made me thinking about those days...pre-children! ha! :)

  3. Thanks very much for the comments! They're appreciated. I'd love to find more time to paint...

  4. I love that quilt, Whitney. I have one that Mike's mom made for us for our wedding, with an embroidered note, too! It was the first thing I pulled out of the bedroom boxes when unpacking, so it's on the bed right now. Such sweet little things mean the most. And P.S. that cake is ridiculous (in a good way).
