
Leaving organized

I'm going out of town. In my house, you can definitely notice that I'm going out of town. 

I want to make sure Andrew doesn't starve while I'm gone. Correction. I want to make sure Andrew doesn't eat at fast food restaurants while I'm gone.

I'll be in Tampa with some of the girls in my family for a few days. I'm looking forward to it and have everything in place while I'm gone. I like to think ol' A.Lee needs me. It's nice to be needed. I bet it's also nice to have all the laundry done and food prepared for you day and night, but he works real hard and is always so grateful. He makes it a pleasure. 

Speaking of pleasure, I'm going on my trip to Tampa! I'll update you when I get back. 


  1. You are so smart! The first time I took a big trip, I came home to no tortillas or green beans left in the house. My poor husband ate green been burritos for 6 days straight while I delighted in Chicago shopping and dinning. He claims they were delish, though.

  2. So cute! I try to do the same thing for Will. He has enough to worry about with work and studying while AL and I are away. You go girl! Can't wait to hear about Tampa.
