
I'm back from Florida

Whew. I 'm back from my vacation to Florida with the girls in my family. It was a whirl wind.

First stop, Tampa.

We brought live crawfish on the plane to boil hot once we arrived. 

Next up, baby shower. 

Then on to the beach at St. Pete.

The next day, we drove to Dade City, where my mom grew up. 

Of the hundreds of times that I've been to Dade City, I never realized how much land it has. It was beautiful and uncommon these days. I just hope it stays that way...it's American. 

One of the main reasons I wanted to go to Florida was to go back to Webster flea market. It's my first antiquing memory. It was with my Nana. 

How many people remember their first antique trip? I feel lucky that I know where the love for the hunt started. 

Nana would have enjoyed being with us. I bet she never thought that taking me to get fresh produce and a little prize would leave such an impression on me. It did. 

We spent several hours there, and then it became just too hot. So we went back on the country roads and in between the hills, we ended up on Bellamy Brothers Blvd and found their estate. If you don't know who the Bellamy Brothers are, I'll give you a hint. "Just let your love flow."

We went back to take a picture of my favorite house in Dade City. That porch is just so inviting. 

I enjoyed my trip so much and can't wait to go back. 

I hope to show my kids these kinds of cities one day. They might not appreciate it until they're 27, but at least I'll try. 

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