
Timing is everything

In keeping with last year's theme of "I blog about my anniversary during the entire month of May" here's something that's been on my mind: I'm upset about issue #2 this anniversary.

Let's not forget issue #1 of my sterling silver candleabras.

Issue #2 is yet another tick on the column of my stupidity.

I pride myself on giving good gifts. I give special, meaningful gifts, often ahead of time. {Bet you couldn't guess that by me getting my anniversary present in April when my anniversary is May 23. When you find it, you find it.}

Andrew and I had come home after a sweaty work out sometime last week. Wheel of Fortune was on, and I had just sat down after cooking dinner. In the living room, Andrew was in his ugly recliner and I on the sofa. My point is this: not the most opportune time to talk anniversary present.

That's when it happened. My inability to keep a damn secret. I blurted out what I think he would like for a gift. The gesture was met with complete excitement on Andrew's part. He thought it would be a wonderful gift. Then I realized, what have I just done? Could I have not waited for a special moment? Maybe I could have even written him a letter saying what I had come up with.

Earlier that day, I had been thinking of what I wanted to get him for his anniversary present. It hit me. It was to be a mandolin. I called several music stores to get a range of prices and had done pretty extensive homework.

I did it all because Andrew loves a good mandolin tune. Every time we hear a song on the radio, he'll point out the mandolin and how much he loves it if there is one strumming.

Currently, Mean by Taylor Swift is the tune he is tapping his foot to. There's many other jingles he likes, too. Who doesn't love Maggie May by Rod Stewart. That's the classic mandolin.

It's funny when you get married how your interests rub off on each other. I love hearing the mandolin even when I'm by myself. I think, "Oh, Andrew would like this." And Lord knows I would have no interest in Auburn University if it weren't for him. And Lord knows Andrew wouldn't know what good food was if it weren't for me. That's of course with the exception of last night's dinner. It was gross.

I'm glad to be exposed to new, wonderful things. It's a good thing about marriage. I know you've heard this before, and you've probably heard me say it: when two sinful people come together, your sin is very exposed and has the potential to really hurt each other. It's true. But you know what's so wonderful about two people coming together? When you see God-given talent in your spouse, and you can help bring those talents to fruition.

That's what I was trying to do with giving my husband a mandolin.

Now if I could only work on my timing, it would have been perfect.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, I like better mandolin tunes than a Taylor Swift song...
