
How gypsies cope

If you know me personally, you know that I got a new sister this weekend! Andrew's brother got married, and we couldn't be more thrilled. And we couldn't be more regretful that we didn't take a single picture of the nuptials and festivities.

On the drive up to beautiful Birmingham, I started to document our 6 hour journey quite well. I was planning on having an awesome wedding post, but like I worded earlier, we didn't take any pics.

I wanted to at least describe to you our trip up there and answer some of the questions that we get a lot. For example, "Whitney and Andrew, y'all sure do drive a lot. How do you handle it?"

I can answer that question with a single sentence: We play Name That Tune.

Dum, Dum...

"Curtis Lowe by Lynyrd Skynyrd!"

Seriously, people, it's the little things in life. We have driven more 6-hour drives in our life than anyone I know. We have truly made it a fun experience. Of course, I am over the moon because Andrew usually forgets that the radio isn't on, and we've just had 6 hours of quality time! That's of course when we don't play Name That Tune

In true south Louisiana fashion, my ears started popping as we were entering the Birmingham area; like it's the north or something. It's ridiculous, I know, but it's the truth. 

So cheers to long drives with your husband. Your relationship will benefit from it either because of how you trick your husband into some serious quality time shared, or he will feel like an olympic gold medalist because he's so good at the game, Name That Tune

Side note: our hearts go out to those who endured the tornados and destruction in the great state of Alabama. We were able to see some of the damage, and we heard stories of your fear this weekend. Blessings to you. 


  1. So funny and sweet! And honest: If I don't ask Mike 25 times "Did your ears just pop? Mine did." I don't ask once.

    We have quite a few coping mechanisms for our 8 hour drive home. Swapping out around hour 4-5 is our biggest, but quality talking and satellite radio with *great* programming contribute to the attempt to de-stress and actually enjoy our ride. I even bought a Mad Lib for our last trip home, which at first Mike thought was dumb, but I think he enjoyed it even more than I did.

    Still, when we get around Hammond on 55, we start getting a little cranky.

  2. I love how you see the big in the small. The extraordinary in the ordinary. Love the Lees!

  3. I was so sad to miss the wedding.

    We play name that tune too!!!!

  4. ha, ha, love it! great way to pass the time. On a long road trip (pre-kids) we once ranked "the best musical artists of all time". There were categories: sustainability, vocal talent, ability to play an instrument, songwriter, stage presence,etc. Each artist got a score 1-5 for each category and so on. As you can imagine it got very complicated at times. And heated. There before you know it! :)

  5. Lindsay, we're def. going to have to try out your game. That's sure to be an extensive convo! Thanks for the comments, all.
