
My home wedding

I had what I call, "An elegant garden wedding." It was at HOME.

One of my favorite details of the wedding: my friend, Ms. Glenda's beautiful calligraphy. This was her special, generous, talented gift to me. 

I shed a tear because it started to rain at 5:00 pm, but I needed to trust the Lord because after a little rain came this wonderful gift on my big day: a rainbow. 

Composed for me as a Christmas gift years ago from my piano teacher. We opened our french doors on May 23, and Ms. Kay played "Whitney's Dance"  as the guests were being seated. 

I still like to hug his neck because I'm so happy to be Mrs. Andrew Lee!

I think I'll "cool it" with the wedding posts....until we get back from our anniversary trip to the mountains this weekend.


  1. Oh it was such a fun wedding! Good memories. Enjoy your trip.

  2. What a beautiful day that was! I'm so happy to have been a part of it. Love your blog, Whit.
