
How Great Thou Art

How great He is to give me such a wonderful gift: Andrew. My first anniversary of being married to Andrew is this Sunday.

If you know me well enough by now, you've seen the magnitude of my birthday celebrations. In turn, you may expect several posts about my anniversary.

Your expectations are correct.

It's Wednesday; my anniversary is Sunday. That should tell you something...

I just can't help it. I can't help but share my testimony of God's faithfulness on this issue: the issue of my prior single-dom.

In the summer of 2005, I lived in Atlanta. Someone told me how to pray about things: go boldly to the throne of God, be specific in your prayers, wait, continue in consistent prayer, and see how God is faithful.

So I put that to the test. I made a list of the things I wanted in a husband. (I know this may be a controversial subject in the single ladies department: to make a list or not? That is the question.)

For me, I wanted to know what I was looking for in a man, and I wanted to write it down and see what God hands me.

I made my list during that summer in 2005.

Some of the items on the list were as follows:

* A man who loves the Lord.

* A man that prays before we eat.

* Hunts, fishes, and/or golfs. (He needs hobbies.)

* Republican.

* Southern and loves football.

* Thinks I'm smart.

* Smarter than me but not condescending.

* Leads me closer to the Lord.

* Encourages me to dream big.

* Funny and thinks I'm funny right back.

* And since I can be bold and specific, has dimples.

On my birthday, October 20, 2007, I met the man who is all of these things and more.

To me, there is nothing more handsome than a man in prayer or with a Bible in his hand.


Thank you, Lord, for being a God of the sweet things in life; the little things. I will continue to look for You in the details of everyday life. I thank You for allowing me to see You through Your child, Andrew, everyday.   


"I love you today more than I did yesterday, and I will love you tomorrow more than I did today."

- my Uncle Whitney


  1. Awww, happy first (early) anniversary! Both you and Andrew are catch and I'm glad y'all found each other!

  2. I want to thank you for the post! I came across this blog from your jewelry site(I am the new proud owner of your FABULOUS Chanel earrings, hehe) Anyway, funny how our Lord works in everything--this post was just what I needed to read tonight. As I wait for His timing on the "singledom issue", I often struggle with patience, but I was reminded by your beautiful post to faithfully wait and exercise bold and specific prayer.

    Happy Anniversary and thanks again :)

  3. Caroline EenigenburgMay 19, 2010 at 9:40 PM

    Love the blogs Whitney...I saw your link on facebook! I never knew you were such a good writer! I am SO happy to see how God has worked in your life and am so happy that you found the perfect guy for you! Take care!
