
Through those Alabama pines

You know those weekends that are all-American and full of good, clean fun?

I know those kinds of weekends. They're sweet and special.

That's not what happened this past weekend.

It started off that way, though. Sweet and special.

We pondered about the south and it's loveliness. We talked about those "Alabama pines" and even sang the song on Pandora...twice. We even ate Cracker Jack's.

But things got fun. Real fun.

Sometimes you need a weekend like that to get away from all of the problems of work and life in general. We might have been o.o.c. (out of control), but at least we sang Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American" at the top of our lungs at a bar on the lake. That's what I'm told anyway. We had a blast on Lake Martin; we always do.

Our crazy-selves had a long ride home last night, but I realized I'm grateful for the drive. We reflect on things. We talk about life. I realize that if we didn't have those long drives, I might never even notice those beautiful Alabama pines. I realize on these drives that I don't have my "ducks in a row", and that's okay. I'll be grateful for a settled life when and if that does ever happen. And in the midst of complaining about my ducks being scattered about, I finally realize that we have great family, great friends, and we are really blessed to live this fun, American, southern life. 

"No one gives a damn about the things I give a damn about The liberties that we can't do without seem to disappear like ghost in the air 
We don't even care, Until it vanishes away."
Alabama Pines


  1. I love this! y'all are all so cute! wish we could all hang out! :)
    xoxo, cat

  2. looks like so much fun! love the one of MM up in the middle of all the girls!

  3. Thanks, Cat! One day, we may!

    SB, she was smiling at the camera just like all the big girls. She's the sweetest. I bet you're enjoying your girl time now, too! I hope I'm there with yall and have a baby girl one day.
