
It's the thought that counts

There's been lots going on in our household this week! I may or may not have a job. I may or may not have 2 jobs. It's still unclear. I'll let you know just as soon as I figure this whole thing out myself.

As you know, it was anniversary week for us. I'll give you a run-down of our little gifts to each other. I use the word "gift" very loosely here. I should say "happy." We gave each other such small little gifts, it's considered "happy's."

I've cooked. We've drank. We've been happy.

I cut these at my parents house when I went to get my hair cut. Oh yea, I cut 7 inches off because I just felt like it. I'm such a loose cannon. 

Last Saturday, Andrew treated me to Waffle House per my request. When we've "made it big" we'll go to The Court of Two Sisters or something equally as fabulous. 

Andrew's been painting...

And the gift giving begins...

I picked up this letter opener for $7 at a cute little store in Baton Rouge. Andrew loved it!

And ever since we've been married, I've heard over and over and over again that "Andrew didn't get a piece of his groom's cake." 

So I fixed that real quick. I called the lady that made our cake 2 whole years ago, and she did it again. I think there's something sweet (no pun intended) about a simple chocolate cake (filled with fudge of one side and raspberry on the other.) 

Damn it's good. I will say, though, that I wasn't going to have a groom's cake at my wedding because I had 5 months to plan a wedding, and I thought it would be one less thing to have to worry about. Then my oldest sister pitched a raging fit saying, "Plenty of times, that's the only reason I go to wedding's is for the groom's cake." Oh Mon Dieu! So my wedding cake lady whipped this up 2 years ago for basically, my sister's satisfaction. This year, Andrew was overwhelmed with my thoughtfulness! Win!

As Andrew and I talk about our future and things to come, we have to encourage one another when things seem confusing and challenging. I write him notes almost everyday in his lunch, but this week it's been particularly meaningful. 

I really love packing his lunch. I can't wait to do this for my children. Today's lunch menu is chili fritos, grapes, fig newtons, and andes mints. 

And finally, in keeping with my childhood past time, I re-gifted a book to Andrew for our anniversary. 

For the last 2 years, Andrew has seen this cookbook that we got for a wedding present, and he's said, "I'd like to cook with you one night." For some reason, I never made it happen. But I decided to re-gift the book and pawn it off like a real present...without spending any money! I told him that he could choose the day and the recipe, and I would go to the store and buy all the ingredients to cook with my husband. I say this is a "past time" of mine because one of my first memories is re-gifting and wrapping up a stationary set for my sisters for Christmas that they had given me just months before. I remember it even had their name already on it. I also remember the tone of them saying "Awh...Thanks, Whit..." 

Re-gifting or not, you can't say I haven't been thoughtful. Now let's hope that I can come up with something just as sweet and inexpensive next year! 


  1. Totally agree with your sis... Grooms cake is the best! And i cant remember if i had a pc or not at yalls wedding but im assuming this is what your bringing to the lake?! PERF! and i cant believe you cut that much hair! gosh so many things happening in this post! see yall friday!

  2. this is seriously the sweetest thing I've ever read. y'all are adorable and OMGoodness at the talent! I want one of his painting! seriously, i do!

  3. What a pretty blog you have; happy anniversary!!

  4. I thought Mike was the only groom to not eat some of his own cake! What a great idea (that I might just be stealing come October!). All the best to you two.
    Have fun with your new hair!
