
I love my husband!

Today is our 2 year anniversary. 

I have to say that's it's been fun. 

Full of fun, of up's and down's, of growing and learning each other still. 

We've had to ask each other's forgiveness. Sometimes that proves harder than others. But it's worth it. The grace that Andrew gives me is astounding. The Grace we've been been given is even more so. 

I am grateful for it. I don't ever want to know a day without it. We can try to "white-knuckle" it through marriage, but the only way it will thrive is through Christ alone. 

I don't claim to know the secrets of a successful marriage, but I do know that to be true. And that's all I need to know.


  1. Wow. this post seriously gave me chill bumps! Y'all are so cute! happy anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful time together celebrating.
    xoxo, cat

  2. How much fun!! Happy two years!! It's such a wonderful thing to be married to a godly man!
