
Random thoughts

Stream of consciousness blogpost: 

1. Andrew and I went to the baseball game yesterday and froze. Yes, froze. It was that cold...in the month of May...in Louisiana. Strange, I know. 

Even odder than that, Andrew wore his LSU hat and ate a corn dog. Yes, really he did. 

2. I keep thinking of this picture below, and it makes me happy. 

It was the first thing Andrew ever drew for me. It was on the paper table cloth at Macaroni Grill. Isn't it just so good? I'm in awe of his talent. {He now hates me for posting this.}

3. I went from being completely overwhelmed and clueless at this new pintrest thing, and now I can't stop pinning. It's my new hobby. That along with tennis every Sunday. I'm enjoying both thoroughly. 

4. I am researching gifts that I can make for Christmas this year. Yes, I do realize it's May, but the holidays really do creep up on ya. And if I want to save some money, I'd better start my new craft now! If you're lucky, you might just get a little happy made by yours truly. 

I'm even thinking of learning to crochet the tops of mason jars! Let's not get too carried away though. 

In closing, {do streams of consciousness have "closings?"} we have lots happening on our calendars lately. Hope to update soon. 

Have a great week, everybody!


  1. Pinterest usually brings the productivity level of my day to ZERO. Are you excited about the NJ Housewives tonight?

  2. Tennis!?! My mother wanted me to be a tennis player as a child. I was much more interested in the wardrobe I was able to get for my lessons. I was terrible. Have you heard of cardo-tennis? Its quite the workout craze around here.

    Wish you were here for Craft Day Friday which Im hosting in a few weeks! We are going to be making gifts, etc! Great idea to get started early, and I bet you will save $$ --love it!

  3. Disclaimer: I bought/ate the corndog BECAUSE i wore the LSU hat... because it's funny.
