
Garden and Gun

On Friday, I checked the mail and a new Garden and Gun issue came in! So exciting! I love "the new issue of Garden and Gun has arrived" days.

I tossed the magazine on the coffee table, and I continued running my errands and packing for the lake. I didn't have time to sit and read about mint juleps.

Today I saw that magazine just sitting on my coffee table...

I had forgotten my excitement of Garden and Gun's April/May 2010 arrival on Friday!

You gotta read this magazine...

I'm iPhonein' these pics lately. Can't you tell? Our fancy camera is currently out of commission. 

This is such a great issue. Who are you if you don't want to read about "The South invades NYC" or "20 Southern Dream Towns."

G & G interviews Kathryn Stockett, author of "The Help." (Channeling Abileen via Miss Stockett, "Law, that book is good.") 

Also featured is John Ed Bradley, author of "It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium." 

{"It's Saturday Night in Death Valley! Chance of rain.....NEVER!"}

You LSU fans know what I'm talkin' about. Who's ready for some Tiger football?

Back to G & G.

My favorite thing about this publication is that it features the real soul of the south. (It better since it's their motto and all.) They reference destinations, food, and events that is not tourist-y. They feature places that locals would recommend. 

Andrew introduced me to this magazine a few years ago when it was first published, and I'm sure glad he did. Making my day, taking iphone pictures of the cover, and blogging about it. I'd say it's left an impression on me.

You know what else left an impression on me?

The lake.

Packing for the lake is the reason that I couldn't sit on my sofa, read about why the south is so charming, and what mint julep cups I need to get for the summer.

Traveling for the 7th weekend in a row was well worth it because of Lake Martin.

Here's a glimpse.


Isn't it the best when you're on the lake, ridin in the boat, wearin grubby clothes, drinkin with the best people? I love those days. (This boat, "Dumb Head," was courtesy of this sweet girl's husband.

Grubby clothes -- beautiful sunset. Perfect contradiction. 

The folks over at Garden and Gun magazine would have even wanted to be there. Luckily, The Lee's were! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I love that dumb head made your blog!
    Wish we could have been riding on it with ya.
    So fun to hang out Friday, but it was too short.

    I must check out G&G. Looks right up my ally!
