
My weekend away...again

My momma and I went to the mountains this past weekend. It was so wonderful; we ate soup, we ate salads, we shopped. Everything ladies of leisure love to do. We happened upon an auction in Franklin, NC and heard that it's good entertainment if nothing else.

Among the items for auction were a parrot door stopper and unicorn paintings. We opted for the junkiest thing in the place which is ironic because we were the most presentable-looking people there. (Let's just say it was an experience.)

Here's what we came home with:

I told my mom that she could put cleaning supplies or toys for the boys or fire wood in it. We had to get something

This weekend was also the Kentucky Derby. Sadly, we did not attend, but it's mom's wish to go one year and it's my wish too. 

You gotta love Calvin Borel winning again! Who doesn't love a sweet, emotional, cajun jockey at Churchhill Downs? 

I feel like I'm making fun of myself with this one but here:

Wish I could've been there, but I was happy to come home to my hubby and this:

Just a little wine and cheese in our sunroom.

I'm loving my nesting tables I got for $20 bucks! They're from the 70s...my mom thinks they're ugly...I think they're perfect!

I hope you had a perfectly relaxing weekend. With an auction, {cajun-winning}races, and a little wine and cheese, I obviously did.