
Southern weekends

Last weekend, Andrew and I attended our first ever Aquapalooza on Lake Martin in Alabama. It was quite fun, and we were glad we went. Unfortunately, no pics were taken. At first, Andrew was upset that I forgot the camera at the camp before we went out on the boat. (Louisiana people call lake homes "camps." As a matter of fact, any second home is called a camp.) But after the downpour, he was glad I had forgotten the camera. It wasn't worth getting ruined. 

But my mom hosted a bridal shower at her house last weekend. I was sorry to miss because I heard about the menu and the decorating plans. 

That momma does so good. She doesn't even need pins! Can you believe that? True Southern women don't need pins. They just know. 

The silver was polished and the flowers cut from the yard. It's funny, I would have felt right in my element had I been there. It's also funny, I did feel right in my element with a baseball cap and my husband's Columbia shirt on over my old swim suit this weekend. 

I recently read Garden and Gun's essay about Southern women. It's caused me to noticed such things like polished silver and dingy swim suits. 

You can't categorize Southern women, and I like that about us. 

Here's an excerpt from this month's issue:

" For better or worse, we are forever entangled in and infused by a miasma of mercy and cruelty, order and chaos, corn prone and cornball, a potent mix that leaves us wise, morbid, good-humored, God-fearing, outspoken and immutable. Like the Irish, with better teeth." 

Whether you ate from a silver spoon or swam in your dingy suit this weekend, enjoy the summer, enjoy the south, and read Garden and Gun


  1. I wanna go to Aquapalooza! Was it awesome?
    And I looooved that G&G article. I want to quote the entire thing.

  2. we just got our g & g issue, now i'm dying to read that article.

    those cloth napkins are so pretty.

  3. Love the linens! Are those kerchiefs or napkins? They're beautiful. I love using family items to set a pretty table. My mom and I put on a shower last year and dug out all the family china. We used the usual pieces from the corner cupboard and also pulled from the sets in storage (what will be mine and my brothers eventually!) Everyone got a different pattern at their place setting :)

  4. So true about us Southern women! I love your comment about the pins. I agree, although I've recently gotten addicted to Pinterest... ha
