
I've got an answer

I usually like to keep things light-hearted here on the ol' blog. And for the most part, I will.

But I have to be honest in telling you what I've been "chewing on" as of late.

I just can't stop thinking about this blog post. I admire how sweet Dorothy tied in the week's news so perfectly. The Scripture from the Royal wedding tied up with the killing of Osama Bin Landen in some haphazard way.

I won't go all political on the blog; not because I don't have an opinion. Trust me, I do. It's because I'm not qualified to go deeper than the surface of a particular argument.

But I will tell you what I found. It really is so exciting.

I've been reading and trying to understand The Book of Romans this month. This morning I came to Romans 12, the Scripture that Dorothy referenced the day I decided to get all philosophical. It was also the Scripture read at the Royal wedding. I couldn't get a grasp on what these words were really saying, and how I was to make sense of killing someone that is, in fact, evil. I was so proud of our Navy Seals and overjoyed over the bravery of this group of people that make America so great. But I was haunted by those who were {mis}quoting Martin Luther King, Jr., also adding not to repay evil for evil.

I found words that have allowed me to put to rest my questions. You should read chapter 12 in Romans, but the last verse of the chapter states, "21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

My study bible says, "Overcoming evil with good will ordinarily include acts of kindness toward evildoers, but it may sometimes also include the "good" of the civil government stopping evil through the use of superior force (military or police), as Paul explains in Romans 13:3-4."

Is it just me? Does this answer questions just for me? It excites me to have found a concrete answer not just anywhere, but in God's Word.

Okay, that's enough. I just had to share.

Tomorrow, I'll be back with silliness, vulgarity, and photos.

1 comment:

  1. wonderfully said. thank you! def one of my fave posts of the week. :) xoxo
