
Some of my favorite things

I'm sure you all are certain that I like Brad Paisley's new song Old Alabama. You're right. I do.

Even the band, Alabama, makes a cameo since, after all, it's basically a new take on the song Dixieland Delight.

You know my heart flutters when I hear that good old country song.

I'll admit it, I like country music. Gasp.

I like Brad Paisley, too. And since I'm being honest, I'll reveal a few more things that I like whether it's "cool" or not.

I like one piece bathing suits. Small towns. Wagons. Not like Radio Flyer wagons, but real, drive-able wagons. Like this:

I also like the early morning. Like 5 AM. 

I like sunscreen, snail mail and farmers markets too. 

Que Julie Andrews singing Favorite Things. Or maybe not. I don't really like Julie Andrews. 

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