
Ya learn something new everyday

Before Andrew and I got married, we had a couple of meetings with his pastor to discuss marriage. It was nice to get a mature, Christian perspective etc....Mr. Gary Spooner, (SB's father-in-law), encouraged us to really learn each other; never stop figuring each other out; keep "dating" each other; be amazed at new things that you didn't know about your spouse.

Well last night we did just that; found out a little something that we didn't previously know about each other.

1. Andrew never knew "The Bunny Hop" by Da Entourage. He didn't know the song or the dance! What did he do in college? (For those of you who don't know, this ain't your grandma's Bunny Hop.) Google it.

2. At dinner last night, I casually told Andrew that I liked to watch WWF wrestling when I was a little girl. I thought everybody liked watching it. I think it used to come on after The Flinstones on TNT or WGN. My favorite was Hulk Hogan. Typical. My sister told me that it was fake, and I didn't believe her. Why would these people get all muscle-y if it were fake? (I did not watch Ultimate Gladiators if you were wondering.)

Andrew was floored. He did not know that about me before.

I think he's starting to wonder who I really am...

Maybe a thug.

* This post is not intended to belittle any advice given to us by Mr. Gary. We are eternally grateful for the Christian mentoring and take it very seriously.


  1. What's Ultmate Gladiators? It's AMERICAN Gladiators... and I mean the original gladiators, not the crap that they tried to redo and pawn off on us two summers ago. Which, come to think of it was actually hosted by Hulk Hogan, your favorite wrestler. What an unbelievable coincidence!

  2. Ha ha. I don't know what the bunny hop is either. I guess it wasn't an Auburn thing.

    Such a funny post.

    P.S. Your anniversary trip looked fantastic!
