
Oh Happy Day

My hubby brought home these gorgeous yellow tulips the other day. And I picked up this "Easter basket" during my long, tedious journey from Louisiana back to South Carolina. I deserved a prize for my impressive trek that began at 4:45 AM. 

I bought some Cadbury Mini Eggs to put in my new Easter basket. Andrew wasn't familiar with this "heaven in your mouth" milk chocolate. He is now. I had a bag full in the basket the other day. There's not too many left now, and Andrew didn't get to have that many. (There is no one else that lives with us. I'll spell it out for you --- I ate them all.)

I love the little joys in life. Tulips are such the happy little flower. And when you see ducks following behind their momma, you know you think, "Awwwhhh." 

[When I was at LSU, I lived in the Chi Omega house and took the Greek bus to class. (Rough life, I know.) The bus would have to cross and small bridge at the lakes. More often than not, we would have to wait for a family of ducks to cross the road. *This thrilled all of those frat stars who were late to class, throwing their hands in the air yelling, "Ahh! The freakin' ducks!" But if you're like me, you go early, so when you have a family of ducks to wait on, you can smile and enjoy your day.]
* Slight exaggeration used for effect. 

This time of year makes me happy too. Doesn't everyone feel this way? The weather is just amazing. When Andrew got home from work last night, we took a walk down the to the lake and watched to sunset. (We took an Abita Strawberry Beer on the walk with us, so you know that made us happy.) We even saw a beaver swimmin' around. 

It was so nice to spend an evening together. That makes us both happy. 

You know what else makes me happy?


Yep. No secret there. 

I've been listening to a song called "Happy Day" by Kim Walker. And guess what, it makes me happy!

Happy Day


"Oh happy Day
happy day
You washed my sins away
Oh happy Day
happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed!"

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