
Launching blog #2


I've finally made the personal blog that I've been thinking about for quite some time now.

Cute title, huh? I can come up with some clever titles and ideas; just ask my husband, Andrew. I was coming up with the best ideas yesterday, and I wanted him to tell me how clever I was. His response was, "stop tooting your own horn." Okay so I will. I can tell you that the title of my new blog is so cute because I did not come up with it. No, one of my favorite people in the world did. And she's way more clever than I am. Katey Gammon! If you don't know her, you should. That clever little thing created a photo album on facebook after my wedding and titled it "A Love-Lee Affair." It stuck with me.

Many of you have read and followed my antique jewelry blog, and I am eternally grateful that you care to know what the heck is going on in my life. And you have also been very complimentary on the jewels that I find! I must let you in on a secret though: my least favorite posts to write on Cherche are the jewelry posts! Ahhh. I know. Doesn't make sense.

I love jewelry. I'm pretty good at weeding out the junk and finding a little treasure. I finally found something I love doing. But for some reason, simply describing the jewelry isn't enough for me. I long to write how I feel about things. The experience I had. Can you tell I graduated in Psychology or what?

The reason I started this blog was because I wanted to write about more than jewelry. And I certainly do that on Cherche. But I thought about if I had a new visitor to the blog, they would probably expect all jewelry posts--obviously since my site is Cherche: vintage and antique jewelry. That person would probably be really confused as to why I'm writing about birthdays, beer, and Jesus.

On my 'Love-Lee' blog, I'll write about all things personal to Andrew and me. You know, the things we do that no one cares about. The thing about blogs is this: it's really for me. {How selfish is that?}It's a creative outlet for me, and the fact that people like to read it tickles me. Thank you, though, for reading! I love hearing who does, because in my mind, it's just a journal.

So come on and waste more of your precious time by following both of my blogs! I hope you find you're entertained.

1 comment:

  1. Whitney, wonderful new blog! Glad you got it up and running!!!

    Miss y'all.

