
The Muumuu

I figured I should follow up quickly from yesterday's mention of why I'm really wanting a muumuu since I got texts asking if I was expecting again. 

Yesterday's photo of the Miller High Life was mine. So, no, I'm not pregnant. 

But I suppose most would conclude that you would have to be under hormone-indused, life-gestating, pregnancy-minded state to want a muumuu. I can see how you could assume I were expecting. But again, I'm not. 

Take a look at those patterns I found online. 

Is it just me or is that cute?

I think it's darling, and they serve a need that I have in my stay-at-home-mom life. 

I like to wear night gowns to bed, and often times, we are traveling to parent's homes or lake houses, and I don't want to pack a robe. Also, Andrew's cousin has been staying with us for a few weeks, and I get up early to make food, so I want to be presentable in my home. It just seems to make so much sense to throw this on as a "house dress." 

My days often look like this:

Wake up at 5:30 am. Make coffee, breakfast, and lunch. Give John Henry his bottle. Unload dishwasher. Give John Henry his cereal. Send Andrew out the door. Eat my breakfast. Around 8:30, put John Henry down for a morning nap. I'm able to get a shower shortly after then. 

So in the mornings, I want something I can easily throw on so I can do all my chores and get the trash from the street etc. while looking presentable. That's a normal request. 

Well I guess normal is relative at this point since most of you do not think this is the norm. Muumuu's in 2013 are not normal. But that's what I want. 

And lo and behold, Momma found an old pattern in her stash that I requested from an online source! I can't wait to show you how cute and functional it'll be! Did I win anyone over? 


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