
I'm going to miss home

I am going to miss....

lsu bumper stickers.

fluer de lis.

hearing "sha bebe".

crawfish boils.


cafe au lait.

our community group.

the chapel on the campus, our church.

zipping home to drink coffee and watch momma cook.

my family.

and about 1,000 other things.

We are trading all that for the call we feel from Him to move to Birmingham. He has provided opportunity there, and we will go and follow His lead.

I might just scare the good folks of Alabama with a random, loud "Aieeeeeeee."

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you guys!! I'm sure it's bittersweet. I know how hard it is to be far from your family (we are actually driving up to Raleigh tomorrow because my brother is having his baby!!) This is such a fun new adventure for your sweet family, and there are many good memories to come, I'm sure! I'll be thinking about y'all! Hope this means we'll be seeing more of you both :) - Leila
