
Our days

Our days have been full. I like the word full instead of busy. I'm trying to be intentional and purposeful with my time. Those are two of the words of focus in my moms bible study. It's a good thing, a blessing.

I am still the same ol' Whitney, and I find my conversation isn't solely obsessed with John Henry. At least I try for it not to be, though he's obviously a big part of my life. But I'm still the same person I was before my little bundle of joy arrived.

Having said that, when I sit to write my blog posts, the only thing that comes to my mind to write about is motherhood. I tell myself that I know I have other observations and interests but nothing seems to come to my mind other than babies, bible studies, and breast feeding.

Well, maybe next time I'll have nuggets of wisdom to share. Until then, I have some collage pictures to debut.

- lunch dates.
- story times.
- a Coffee Call date of coffee and beignets with my nephew.

- i like coffee, I've discovered.
- crochet project :: my first blanket. 
- scripture memory :: we've memorized 9 verses so far.

- snuggles with his aunt Beth.
- flowers in bloom in the country.
- six month shots. 
- relaxation yoga :: i'm stressed. 

- selling jewelry :: #cherche :: #i'mstillinbusiness.
- momma and daddy date of good music and a glass. #hallelujah!
- walking the LSU lakes. 

This is just our daily life, nothing special. But looking back on our days, the images make me smile. I hope our days stay "full." 

1 comment:

  1. Whitney - hey! Thank you for your kind words on my blog today; you encouraged me. :)
    I'm so glad you are enjoying motherhood - John Henry is the cutest!! We will have to chat next time ya'll visit 'ol CPC. :)
    thank you again for your sweet comment!
