
Our days and new goals

These are the things that I see around my house these days.  

And I smile.

My home is filled with baby things, and I love it. I love it so much more than I thought I would.

I was bound and determined not to have my house taken over by toys and baby things, and for me most part, it's not. But every time I take a bath, I see John Henry's bath animals, and it warms my little heart.

My heart is just that: warm. It's softened since motherhood, as it should, as mine needed to. I've told Andrew so many times that I find children so much more precious now that we have one. We often talk about our shopping experience in the Montgomery, AL Target near Halloween. From the next aisle over we heard a little boy talking rather loudly asking his mother if she wanted to be "a good witch wit a bwoom." That'd be "broom" to anyone over the age of 3. I chuckle, too, because it sounds like the mother and son may have had a conversation about good witches and bad ones.

I look forward to conversations with my son as the years go by. I talk to him like he's not 5 months old. He pretends he understands me. He is a thoughtful child, I can tell. He is very resilient, a wonderful sleeper, and a really good eater. I think he is, by nature, a really good baby, but I must say, I have trained him to be that way. I thought I knew how to train a baby before I had one, and lo and behold, I did! I have a myriad of things that I'm not good at, but mothering an infant is something that I can say that I find such joy, pleasure, and success in.

Christmas 2012. John Henry 4 months. 

Now to conquer the things that I'm not so good with...

Enter New Year's Resolutions. 

I've never made resolutions, because let's be honest, no one keeps them. I know myself enough not to waste the time or energy. I'm very honest with myself about these things.

But this year, I feel like Andrew and I should push ourselves in some way. When our bible study leader challenged our group with setting 3-5 goals for 2013, I have to say that even though I wanted the challenge, I sort of dread it. A factious, "great", is what I thought. But isn't that how all challenges work? You immediately want to flee, but sticking to it, going through the hard part, doing it anyway, produces success. You accomplish something. 

I'm still working on my list and our challenge for a "one word" for the year like joyful or simplify or calm. I like all those words. I asked Andrew if mine could be "just don't be a bitch." He suggested "kindness" since that word is more conducive to a bible study setting. Still, working on "kindness" implies that I'm a bitch. I can be. Who can't, really? I'm just lacking in filter is all. We can all agree that there is no need for my 2013 word to be "honesty." I got that down. 

We were joking about that at our bible study dinner last Sunday. We all know if you want a sweet, "feel-good" answer about something you're facing, go ask someone else. Ol' Whitney is a straight-shooter. I'm like that with myself, too. I keep it honest and real. 

I must give my "sharpness", as I'll call it, to the Lord. {All this talk sounds like I'm a Yankee, and we all know that ain't the truth. What an insult that we be.} 

The Lord is revealing to me, though, the path I am to take. Several Proverbs have been presented to me in the sweet way He drops the hints. The Lord has been so kind and merciful toward me, and He is prompting me to act more like Him. It's going to be a good year, I think. I hope. 

Once I narrow down my list of goals for 2013, I hope to share. Some will be more trivial than others. We gotta have some fun book reads or {unattainable} fitness goals in the midst of "be kind, Whitney" and "read your bible everyday" goals. 

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that the New Year was bright. The holidays are such a sweet time of year, but in a way, I'm glad it's over. The hustle has come to an end. And as my baby naps, I listen to the rain and get on with the boring, yet welcomed month of January. I think I'll go make some soup. 

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to let you know this post gave me a good chuckle! :) miss yall!!! we either need a trip down to good ole Cajun country or yall come up here soon!
