
The Southern things

I'm hitting the road tomorrow at an incredibly early hour. In case you didn't know, I'm having a jewelry show in Montgomery. All you girls are very welcome to stop on by.

The invitation is just so southern and welcoming, isn't it?

Speaking of southern, I'd rather be sitting in our tacky, brown, leather, my husband's man chair, recliner and reading my the most delightful publication.

I would have a piece of tarte a la bouille and read the new issue of G & G, but I've we've eaten all the pie, and I have to pack. No time for lounging. Even on a comfortable, tacky recliner. 

I know what Andrew's gonna say: "My man chair is not tacky!" 


  1. How fun that you'll be in Montgomery! I so wish I could come, but we're going out of town tomorrow afternoon! Will be praying for your safe travel and a great show!

  2. Well.... it ISN'T! It's classic. And it's by far the most comfortable piece of furniture in the house. I feel like while you're in Montgomery, I'll do an ode to the man chair post.
